Decentralised and Digital ID for your Enterprise and Customers

vID platforms takes the burden off all ID related workflows from your business, be it as simple as know your customers to something as complex as building customised workflows that is driven primarily by an ID. Watch our demos of use cases on how the vID platform can help you deliver and propel your business to the next level!

Integrate Seamlessly

vID plug n play architecture enables you to onboard quickly. We provide SDKs to integrate with your backend and frontend applications.

The only verification suite for all your business needs

Our platform is a one-stop shop that will authentically verify all data from almost any source. vID has all the required integrations in place to verify and issue credentials.

Embrace privacy

On boarding to vID assures your customers about your commitment to their data privacy. vID uses proprietary technology that does not let anyone but the user view & control the access to the data.

Pre-integration with other We Do Verify solution suites

vID comes pre-integrated with vProvenence and other suites that benefit businesses thus providing an all in one solution suite.

Customer engagement

Your customers drive your business and vID gives them full control to manage their Data

Identity: Built on Trust, Seamlessly Portable, Effortlessly Verifiable

vID Self sovereign Decentralised Id Management platform provides a secure, trusted, optionally blockchain anchored means for users to manage their data and its access. The platform provides support for normal PII as well as other emerging forms of PII like user biometrics, location information etc.

The only verification suite for all your business needs

vID platform comes pre integrated with a variety of sources of user data. Our partnerships enable the platform to provide an almost universal place to verify a variety of user credentials. We also support custom interfaces that enable your business to embrace the digital ID ecosystem with minimal disruptions.

Security, Authentication & Experience

vID uses all standard security mechanisms in data transmissions and supports multiple protocols. This is applicable both at the backend and frontend components.

Our intuitive and user friendly UIs will engage your users. Our multiple engagement points will provide all that your business needs, be it web/mobile/custom.

Platform Onboarding Made Easy

vID SDKs enable easy onboard of your backend and frontend modules. We support standard backend integrations including NodeJS. Our frontend SDKs integrate with iOS, Android and custom application frameworks.

Secure Data Management & Compliance

vID Wallet and data management system helps you to be compliant with data protection norms. Our proprietary methods ensure any customer data is only accessible by him and he can provide tier-based access permission to his data.

All non PII data is encrypted and also access controlled by the user.


Proof of Ownership

Pre-verified Credential

Selective Disclosure

Issuer/Verifier Integration