
Our Platform Offering to bring transparency to the Media

This platform onboards media publishers, traditional media distributors and new gen Virtual Multichannel Video Programming Distributor (VMVPD) to provide trust-worthy and transparent stats and analytics on the media consumption by the consumers of media.

Platform Offerings

  • Easy Onboarding : SDKs to onboard various ecosystem players.
  • Cost & Performance : Proprietary algorithm that significantly lowers cost of tracking media consumption while achieving a high throughput that supports millions of devices.
  • Built on Standards : Complainant to Media Traking Standards like VAST.
  • Deployment Options: Supports deployment in Cloud or private Cloud or on premises.


Trusted metrics on media consumption for publishers and distributors.

Automated auditing mechanisms and Dashboards to track impression.

Incentivize users to consume content.

Issuer/Verifier Integration